Dear student,
Welcome to the “Distributed and Blended European Entrepreneurship Micro Minor”. This programme has been designed to give you the possibility to build your own learning path by choosing micro-courses from our PORTFOLIO.
This Portfolio includes six elective micro-courses, which cover critical topics:
Sustainable and Digitally enabled Business Models (University of Aalto, Finland)
Social responsibility of new tech solutions (University of ELTE, Hungary)
Digital business, competition and regulation (Université de Rennes 1, France)
European (digital) entrepreneurship with a Mission (University of Trento, Italy)
Institutional Change and Entrepreneurship (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Technology Watch to detect opportunities for entrepreneurship (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Each micro-course consists of a few Synchronous sessions in which you will have online contact with the teachers, and Asynchronous sessions through which you will have to watch videos and do exercises, assignments, and readings whenever you want. Please, note that all information (number, days, time) about asynchronous sessions is described in the PDF corresponding to each micro-course. Please, consider that dates of the Synchronous sessions are critical to avoid collisions with your other regular courses at the Master (see the table below).​
Micro Courses

Aalto University - Sustainable and digitally enabled business models
(2 ECTS)
In this course, students will develop their understanding and entrepreneurial skills of business model innovation in the context of 1) digitalization, 2) multi-actor networked value creation, and 3) sustainability-driven resource efficiency, acknowledging and adopting to 4) new institutional rules of business.

Université de Rennes 1 - Digital business, competition and regulation
(1 ECTS)
The Internet and digital technologies deeply shape the way firms produce and distribute their products and services and how users consume and share them. Although tremendous business opportunities arise from the digital industries, they may generate threats for
competition and be harmful to consumers. This course provides a theoretical and practical understanding of the features of the digital economy.

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Institutional Change and Entrepreneurship (1 ECTS)
In this module, institutional change will be explored focusing on agency, resources, and opportunity dimensions of institutional entrepreneurship to build students’ entrepreneurial capacity further from a systems perspective. Discussing the complex constellations of the actors involved in institutional change, students will be able to identify different types of entrepreneurial actors including governmental organizations, universities, research centers, non-profit organizations, incumbents, and emerging businesses.

ELTE University - Social responsibility of new tech solutions (1 ECTS)
The course aims not only to form the entrepreneurial mindset and innovative thinking of students but strives to highlight all the potential aspects of social responsibility when it comes to innovative ventures. In this experimental field, the course designer and educator cannot state general truths, just lead the way, on how students can detect facts, cases, and examples from the practices of tech companies

University of Trento - European (digital) entrepreneurship with a Mission (2 ECTS)
This micro-course aims at building an understanding of entrepreneurship grounded on a long-standing European tradition of analysing and tackling societal challenges. The course aims, starting from familiar intuitions about entrepreneurship, to grow a seed of change in two commonly-held assumptions about entrepreneurship: one that sees entrepreneurship (exclusively or mostly) under a growth and profit lens; and another that sees entrepreneurship as an activity that is carried out (mostly) in business contexts.

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid -Technology Watch to detect opportunities for entrepreneurship (1 ECTS)
Through this course, students will learn to detect opportunities for entrepreneurship by analyzing the state of maturity and evolution of technologies, but also their impact and evolution in the markets from a business point of view.
Micro-courses schedule

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To enroll in the micro-courses, please register your selection in the following form.
Note: The courses are offered on the first-come first-served basis—if a given course is already complete, you will have to choose another one.
After completing the chosen courses, you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge in a presential hands-on summer school in Hungary.
Please NOTE: The information/kickoff session for Microcourses, Micro Minor and Summer School will be on February 21st at 11:00 am (CET). Mark the date and time to your calendar and joint to hear more!
IIF you are still interested to participate a microcourse course that has not yet started (this is not any quarantee for the intake), send us email clicking the button below.